Eye on Telegram's Nth-Room

2020-06-01     Min Yeo-jin

On March 29, Lee, a student of Industrial Management Engineering at ERICA campus of Hanyang University (HYU), developed a service called the ‘Nth-Room Citizen’s Crime Guard’- “nthroomcrime.com”. The service provides recent updates on the issue for the public to be informed about the current status of the investigation on the ‘Telegram Nth-Room’ crime”.

Q. You developed the service with other young developers, are there any reasons why you developed it together?

A. So far, there have been a lot of sex crimes and digital sex crimes, including the Burning Sun case and the Sora-net case. However, public awareness had quickly weakened, and the case ended with the sex offenders being lightly punished. I believe the previous results led to the current Nth-Room case. My teammates and I agreed that light punishment should not reoccur, and this idea led to the development of this service to keep people focused on the Nth-Room case continuously.

Q. What is the current status of site operation, and are there any difficulties?

A. It has almost been a month since we started running the site. The public’s interest in the Nth-Room case has decreased compared to before. Management of the Nth-Room continues to be arrested, but the number of suspects currently arrested is less than 10 percent compared to the actual number of managements. However, as public’s attention towards the Nth-Room cools down due to other issues like the election, there are concerns that the investigation would be done idly.

Q. What is the final goal of operating the Nth-Room Citizen’s Crime Guard?

A. As the public’s interest dies down, I am worried that this case is likely to end without proper punishment. Therefore, we will continue to help people pay attention to the case. The goal is to make suspects receive the right punishment. Ultimately, we would like to create a society in which all suspects are arrested and properly punished by the courts, so that our site is no longer needed.

Q. If you and your team were looking forward to developing something new on the site, what would it be?

A. The development plan was delayed a lot because developers were busy with their own personal schedules. However, we are preparing to reorganize the site so that we can visually express the data, such as petition information or news information into graphs and charts. Visualization of the information will make it easier to understand the overall status of the case at a glance.

Q. What message would you like to give to HYU students who are paying attention to this case?

A. In the end, poor legal systems led to the outbreak of the Nth-Room case. It was created by those who were not punished at the time and those who watched the preceding cases and thought they would not be punished if the crime was repeated. From now on, we have to break the vicious circle with strong punishment. Citizens should also be aware that sitting on the sidelines is also a crime. We all need to raise more public awareness about digital sex crimes.