Be Your True Self


2016-06-01     Choi Mi-rae

“This is the moment! This is the day. When I send all my doubts and demons on their way! Every endeavor I have made ever is coming into play, is here and now today!” Jekyll turns into the monstrous Hyde after taking medicine with the famous song ‘This is the moment’ playing. This is the plot of the Dr. Jekyll& Mr. Hyde that most people are familiar with. However, in the play Jekyll& Hyde& Tears& Liquor, Dr. Jekyll is still Dr. Jekyll and there is no Mr. Hyde.

The research and experiment of Dr. Jekyll is just a hopeless failure. However, the day of Dr. Jekyll’s presentation gets closer and Dr. Jekyll cannot let other scholars and investors including his fiancée’s father know that he has failed. So Dr. Jekyll and his assistant, Poul make a secret plan to get an actor who looks like Dr. Jekyll to play Mr. Hyde.

Dr. Jekyll and Poul find an actor in town named Victor and ask him to join the scheme, saying that they can pay him more than the theater currently is. Feeling hesitant at first because of his passion for sincere acting, Victor makes up his mind to go for it when Dr. Jekyll said. “The fact that you are acting does not change. You just act for me.” Things got more complicated when Eve, the fiancée of Dr. Jekyll comes to watch the tacky rehearsal for the presentation. As a matter of fact, Eve is not feeling happy about the arranged engagement to boring Dr. Jekyll. Then Eve gets attracted to Mr. Hyde thinking that she can try to love Dr. Jekyll if he had the characteristic features of Mr. Hyde.

Eve keeps asking Dr. Jekyll to take the medicine so that she can see Mr. Hyde. To make matters worse, Victor also starts to have feelings about Eve, trying to make her be brave and find her one true love. The audience laughs out loud while watching the hilarious efforts of the three men, Dr. Jekyll, Victor and Poul, trying to make Eve believe that Mr. Hyde is also a part of Dr. Jekyll. The play dangles the carrot of whether or not this fake show will work in front of the audience, keeping them fully focused until the end.

Although the play Jekyll& Hyde& Tears& Liquor is a comedy, it still covers the concept of the obstacles that we as humans have to overcome throughout our lives. Trying to meet the standards set by others eventually causes people to forget who they really are. At the same time, the play Jekyll& Hyde& Tears& Liquor will provide you with both joy and profound questions to reevaluate your lives.