The ERICA Campus succeeded in being chosen to host Space Studies Program (SSP) from the International Space University (ISU) in 2012.
ISU is a private university founded in 1987 in Strasbourg, France. The Space Studies Program, the ISU? nine week non-degree-granting program, is held in different countries including United States, Spain, Japan and so on through which space research is advanced annually in summer.
   Hanyang University (HYU) is the third location where the SSP is to be held in Asia. There were candidate countries such as Germany and India offering to host SSP 2012. However, with continuous research, a well-qualified proposal and infrastructure, the ERICA Campus research team attracted ISU's members.
"My research team started research into space exploration in 2004. And in 2009, because HYU set a goal of improving the Seven Future Technologies like Extreme Engineering, we could have various meetings with space specialists. Also, ERICA's infrastructure such as wireless LAN facilities, our Guest House, dormitories and linguistic preparation contributed to being chosen to host,"Lee Tai-sik, a professor of Civil Environmental Engineering and researcher of space exploration, said about the process to of being chosen  to host.
   During the nine week program, it is expected that over 150 students from 35 countries will take part in the program, and over 350 professors and space specialists will visit the ERICA Campus for joining conferences about space. "About 700 foreign space experts will visit HYU for the event. I think this program will be the beginning point for not only the ERICA Campus to be nationalized, but also for HYU? developing research into space,"said Lee Tai-sik.
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