There is a Burmese woman who was kept under house arrest for 15 years even during this day and age in the 20th century. She gave up her husband and two sons to fight for her country’s independence. The name of Aung San Suu Kyi is well known all over the world. I could not help but admire her for her patience. Through her ordeals, sacrifice, and dedication, I came to ponder on what politics means for me.
   Korea’s general elections are just around the corner. With the elections looming so close, I hear more tidbits of conversations revolving around politics. Even though I cannot confidently define the meaning of  politics, I do understand that they are activities done on a national level for all people to live well or better. At least that is how our generation understands it.
   Then I got to thinking, what is the present politics of The Hanyang Journal editorial office? Not in the spectacular sense, but in our usual, day-to-day way. We have always tried to listen to as many Hanyangians and hidden voices everywhere as possible and keep our eyes open to social changes. Furthermore, we are always busy reporting, always on our feet, and deliver our voices through The Hanyang Journal. I would like to borrow this space to thank all the reporters of The Hanyang Journal, who dedicated their time and energy to our editorial conferences, reporting, and articles. They have given up their nights out at Wangshimni and their March campus romances as well as their precious weekend hours.
   The Cover Story of the 313 issue is about 20’s politics. We are not intending to force you to participate in politics at some cost. All we want is for you to take the time to establish how to realize your own politics. Last year, many media reported that a new era was emerging in Korea by those in their 20’s during the Seoul mayoral elections. Changes pass onto customs which pass into history. We, as university students, are in the epicenter of that beginning. Our values will reflect the changes to come. I have no doubt that the next generation of change will be founded on the decisions we make today.
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