“My dream is to become a Korean animation director. How can I make Korean animation more sympathetic to all over the world?” Johnny Express presented an answer about this question. After planning to make five minutes animation, he thought he should make a funny animation in which people all over the world are immersed due to a well knit plot, situation, and characters. For this reason, he got rid of the lines and unnecessary characters. The subject of Johnny Express is about misunderstanding by the absence of communication clearly emerges due to these cinematic devices.”

November 4, 2014, Woo Kyung-min was awarded the best scenario award of a part of short section in France. Short cut section is the only competitive section at Festival Du Film Coreen ὰ Paris (FFCP). He wrote scripts and directed animation Johnny Express that displayed unique character and a novel storyline. Before he submitted Johnny Express to FFCP, he had uploaded his work to Vimeo an online video page. Vimeo put an Johnny Express on a main page and then the animation got about ten million hits. Being uploaded on the website had a positive effect on preparing the ground for conference with North American Motion picture official about theater animation. 
By the time he graduated f r o m t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f Visual Communication and Package Design at Hanyang University(HYU), he had prepared portfolio about visual and got a job in a motion graphic company, “Alfred Image Works.” He took charge of modeling, rendering on game motion picture Free style, planning and producing storyboard on Counter strike. At the third year of his job, he wanted to quit his job because of the desire about his creative contents. Meanwhile, his company decided to support his working because the company has planned extension of business for its contents and trusted Woo Kyung-min’s passion. So Johnny Express came into the world in that manner. To achieve his dream, he is moving toward his goal step by step.
“Technical part matters in terms of producing video working,” he said. He advised that to make good storyline, trying making work is the best method. To do that, technical part is necessary. And he advised juniors not to forget original intention and idea which is the most important things. Taking a step forward, now he is dreaming of becoming a Korean animation director. He wants to be an animation director for adults without losing story and trend.
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