‘Chung-Sine-Hak-Dang’s Special Lecture’ is a 12 to 13 week course held for students every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11a.m. at Chung-Sine-Hak-Dang, which is located on the first floor of Hanyang University’s International Building. H u m a n i t i e s m a j o r professors from different universities come and share their knowledge with the students. The cofounder of this program Professor Lee Hyunchung explains, “The difference with other special lectures and our program is that we focus more on the field of humanities. We believe that history, politics and philosophy is an essential base to become a successful leader. Humanity comes first and technology comes second.” This program aims to grow future leaders as well as creating a chance for students to discuss and share their own knowledge with each other as a future leader as well as getting advice from professionals. At the moment, students who are allowed to attend this lecture are those who were recommended by each major’s headmaster. However, Professor Lee Hyun-chung says, “We are planning to extend the number of students who can listen to the lecture during the next semester so that more students can have an opportunity to learn from these incredible leaders in their fields.”

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