Hanyang University (HYU) is in the process of implementing a new international internship program, the WEST Program. This program is a collaboration between the government and the school, sponsored by the government and operated by HYU.
  The WEST in the name of this program means that this program gives chosen students a chance to work as interns, to study English and to travel in the USA. This program is very efficient in that applicants can experience various things at the same time.
  This program is for university undergraduates who have attended school for more than two years and for graduates who have graduated the university within a year. The applicants need a GPA over 3.375 out of full score 4.5 in all academic years and need some evidence of English ability. A score of 600 on the TOEIC (or score of over 163 in CBT, over 57 in IBT) is the minimum requirement. Also, a recommendation from University Council for University Education or Korean Council for College Education is required.
  Among all universities, HYU was able to send 10 students. This is a great achievement considering that other universities ended up able to send about five students. Also, at the first exhibition program, HYU showed the highest application rate. As the government is planning a bigger scale of program in the summer, students can get more information about the program at International Cooperation stationed at the Graduate School Building.

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