The movie 6/45 (2022) starring famous actors such as Go Gyung- pyo, Lee Yi- kyung, and Kwak Dong- yeon has hit the box office this summer. Hanyang Journal had the great opportunity to interview the director of 6/45 Park Gyu-tae, who is an alumnus of Hanyang University (HYU).

Q. Please introduce yourself.

A. Hello. My name is Park Gyu-Tae, director of the movie 6/45. I graduated HYU Erica Campus as the class of 1995 and majored in Journalism and Broadcasting.

Q. Throughout the years, you directed the movie Bunt (2007), wrote the scenario for Let’s Play Dharma (2001) and Man on the Edge (2013). When did you become interested in movies? Is there a particular reason why you started dreaming of becoming a movie director?

A. I used to enjoy watching movies as a hobby. It was after I joined the school movie study club, “Sonagi,” that I started taking interest in making movies. As I participated in making 8mm and 16mm short films at the club, I really got to know more about movies. While making films, I had a dream of becoming a movie director, and like the saying “Writing a scenario is like writing above the film,” working as a screenwriter for commercial films fueled my desire to create my own movies.

Q. Was there anything memorable or difficult during the filmmaking and casting process of 6/45 ?

A. The pandemic was the most difficult part in the filmmaking process. Theaters were closed, and most movies, including 6/45 had a hard time receiving investments. At one point, we had to stop filming because we could not receive any funding. 

I was touched by the actors’ passion for acting that just radiated through them. Since the characters are soldiers, all the actors had to cut their hair short. It was not an easy decision for the young actors but because they all loved the movie, they willingly cut their hair. I remember how the main actor Go Kyung-pyo took the lead and cut his hair the shortest.

Q. The movie 6/45  is the only movie this year made with less than ten billion won to have hit the break- even point and reach number one in advance sales. How do you feel about this impressive outcome?

A. Due to the pandemic, the theater has changed immensely. People hardly go to the movies due to an increased price of movies tickets. Thus, I was worried on whether people would choose to watch 6/45 over other blockbuster movies. However, I have seen how much the audience has enjoyed the movie. Moreover, the movie has set a record as the number one Korean movie of all time in Vietnam. It is such an honor and I am so grateful for all of it. 

Q. Do you have a motto or philosophy as a movie director?

A. I think that a movie director is like a sponge. A sponge as in a director must accept and absorb all the diverse opinions and talents the staff members and actors have, but still release his or her own color through all of it when squeezed.

Q. Lastly, do you have any advice that you would like to give to many students who dream of becoming a movie director?

A. I have some advice that I would like to share not as a fellow movie director, but as someone who has graduated HYU and stepped into the business ahead. There is a famous saying, “A little bit of skill and a lot of luck.” In life, there will be numerous things that cannot be done your way than as you wish. During those times, I want you to remind yourself of the earlier saying. If you have failed, it is only because you were not lucky enough this time. Just shake it off and start over. Only then will you be able to become a great director and achieve everything you dream of.

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