contributed by GoodTherapy
Contributed by GoodTherapy

One problem that most in their 20s encounter when preparing to enter the workforce is job shortage. The four years one spends in university are evaluated thoroughly when applying for a job. Students are under intense pressure to determine their dreams, prepare impressive extra-curricular activities for their resumé, and compete for better grades. Along with the COVID-19 pandemic, companies have been drastically downsizing job openings. As a result, unemployment has become even more of a serious issue than ever. Recently, companies have been facing a new challenge, the quiet quitting of their generation MZ employees.

What is Quiet Quitting?

Quiet quitting refers to the idea of not outright quitting ones job, but simply refusing to go above and beyond in ones career. Workers will work passively, doing only what is listed in their job description and nothing more. The phrase generated attention online as one TikTok user shared his experience of quiet quitting in the office. This viral video resonated with the current workers of Generation MZ and gained millions of views and comments. Instead of working late on Friday evenings, those who choose quiet quitting will leave work on time to go to yoga class and spend time on themselves.

Although the term quiet quitting might only have sparked attention recently, it is not a completely new idea. Many consider quiet quitting as unsubscribing from the conventional hustle culture mentality. The previous generation found satisfaction and achievements in their jobs. They considered working long arduous hours and being devoted to their company as a way to get ahead in life. In this way, loving ones job, a form of hustle culture, was both prevalent and encouraged.

Contributed by Lim Yi-sook
Contributed by Lim Yi-sook

According to Lim Yi-sook, an assistant professor from the College of Business and Economics at Hanyang University Erica Campus, this was only possible in a fast-growing economy. Professor Lim explains, Recent surveys by the Generation MZ illustrate that the percentage of people who think working hard can lead to a successful life is significantly lower than the previous generation. The percentage decline is more dramatic especially in Korea. In a society of low and negative growth, it is difficult to maintain a hustle culture.

Causes of Quiet Quitting

The Generation MZ is a brand new workforce. In the past, quiet quitting was improbable. Workers were dedicated to their job and showed strong loyalty to their company. Putting ones interest ahead of the companies interest was unimaginable. However, the new generation is different. They value work-life balance and when their own interests and the companies contradict or come into conflict, they will put themselves first.

Contributed by Park Sang-hee
Contributed by Park Sang-hee

Professor Park Sang-hee from the School of Business at Hanyang University points out that this is because the new generation has more resources and choices. They are surrounded by information and have access to almost anything. This accounts for the rise of new occupations, such as Youtubers, and how many of the Generation MZ choose to juggle their job and a side hustle at the same time.

Moreover, professor Park draws attention to the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the lockdown, the work environments in companies have drastically changed all around the world. Employees worked from home, naturally blurring the boundaries between work and life. Workers were left with time alone to re-evaluate their dreams and reimagine what their job really means in their lives. Professor Lim explains that rather than the pandemic itself being a direct factor, it acted as a catalyst accelerating the phenomenon of quiet quitting.

Contributed by Lim Myung-ho
Contributed by Lim Myung-ho

As professor Lim Myung-ho from the Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy at Dankook University puts it, the 2030 generation focus more on what values they can earn from their workplace, rather than only on the achievement value of simply being employed. They regard their own growth and the value of experience more important than mere accomplishment in their career. This tells us that trying to understand the Generation MZ only through money or promotion is no longer the correct solution.

What Does Quiet Quitting Lead to?

In business, the number one priority for a corporation is to make profit. Keeping workers who are there just to do the bare minimum is not productive. The cost of keeping these workers outweighs the profit of keeping them. Quiet quitting workers cause disputes in their team and productivity, reducing the progressive and cooperative spirit of the team and company.

Workers who eventually decide to quit their job also cause an insurmountable amount of loss in terms of human resource management. Moreover, quiet quitting not only leads to resignation but also the quiet firing of employees as well. If quiet quitting leading to resignation is considered voluntary, quiet firing is unintentional and indirect. Companies will pressure those workers to quit their job by setting high standards, so they fail, depriving them of opportunities to progress, and severing means of communication, eventually encouraging them to resign.

What Should Companies Do?

Contributed by Jeon Sang-gil

Professor Jeon Sang-gil from the College of Business and Economics at Hanyang University Erica Campus points out that to solve this issue, many companies are reinforcing their welfare systems. However, these amendments are all insufficient without a correct understanding of what makes the Generation MZ tick.

Professor Jeon explains that the Generation MZ is used to immediate compensation. They spent their adolescence playing video games in which accomplishing one task immediately moved them on to the next level with subsequent rewards. Therefore, companies must consider the following factors when distributing performance-based bonuses. First is procedural justice. Was the process of deciding the bonus just? Second comes distributive justice. Is the size and amount of the bonus fair? Lastly, the appropriate timing of distribution. It is important to make sure the employees are aware of the bonuses they are receiving at the right timing through quick feedback.

Aside from these factors, the younger generation workers need role models whom they can look up to and teammates from whom they can seek advice and share similar worries. Professor Park stresses the importance of creating a space for free communication, where employees can discuss their honest thoughts about their roles and positions in the company.

Professor Jeon emphasizes that the most efficient way to prevent quiet quitting is done before one joins the workforce. In other words, companies must reinforce their internship programs or field placements. This way, prospective employees can experience Realistic Job Preview beforehand while companies will be able to observe and evaluate the employees competency for the job during the test period. Through these proactive socializing measures, companies will be able to examine which workers are most suitable for certain positions, while prospective employees can experience the realistic tasks of the job environment.

What is Left for the Generation MZ?

One question left for us is whether quiet quitting really is a healthy choice not only for companies but also for workers. People are happier when they are motivated to do the job they love and enjoy. Considering that we spend most of our life at work, finding value in ones job and workspace is essential.

Professor Park acknowledges that the Generation MZ consists of two types: those that choose quiet quitting, and those that are passionate in their work. She views the MZ generation speaking up for themselves and pursuing a well-balanced lifestyle as a healthy mindset. However, professor Park worries about people engaging in quiet quitting as a means of expressing their dissatisfaction towards work and getting revenge on the company. Such passive aggressive attitudes seem to be merely short-sighted and cannot change anything.

In the long term, money and success follows in ones career when you enjoy your job and do it well. We must keep in mind that various people work together other than MZ workers and learn to empathize and understand one another.

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