On April 3, 2023, Kim Ki-hyun, a professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Hanyang University (HYU), was selected as the winner of the 32nd Sudang Award. The prize, offered by Samyang Group, is awarded to researchers who have contributed greatly to society and South Korean academia.

Q. Please tell us about your main research topic.

A. My main research goal is to develop a technology that removes pollutants in the air. Substances with large molecular weight, such as dust, can be easily removed using filters, but pollutants in the form of gas, such as formaldehyde, can be removed more sustainably by using catalysis. However, it is not easy to apply the catalysis method to lightweight indoor air purifiers, since they need rapid air circulation. I am trying to solve this problem by developing advanced functional materials.

Q. How do you feel about winning the 32nd Sudang Award?

A. Usually when we compete with each other in a field that we specialize in, I relatively have some advantages as I have been in this field for a long time and I made better output than others. However, the selection of the Sudang Award is not a competition within a specific field, but in academia as a whole. Since all researchers are working hard in their respective fields, it is much harder to stand out among them. Furthermore, the air quality control is a relatively minor field in engineering, so I am very happy and feel lucky to be the recipient of such a big award. Looking back over the years, I have been completely and extremely addicted to research. I think such efforts have been recognized.

Q. Do you have any plans for the future?

A. After this award I am planning to donate about 50 million won to the Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, which motivated me to show progress. However, I am not donating merely because I won the award. I have always felt that I should return as much as possible to society since I am receiving a lot of social and financial benefits as a professor. I hope other researchers in our field will feel the joy and pride together.

Q. What do you think about the future of air quality control?

A. In the past, water quality was a major threat to peopleʼs health, but recently air quality has become a main issue for modern people. In particular, indoor air pollutants: formaldehyde and smoke from cooking as well as the outside pollutants: Yellow dust and acid rain can be easily experienced in daily life. These contaminants can be fatal in that they are unavoidable in any environment. As clean air is necessary for the comfortable life of mankind, interest and demand in the field of air quality control are growing. In this regard, I think this research will bloom in the near future.

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